*Janets Dockskåp-Janets Doll´s house*

Mother and daughter are playing with the same Doll´s house.

Johanna 1999

Janet 1974

Historien om detta skåp - The history of this house.

Detta dockhus tillverkades först av Janets morfar Ingemar då hon var liten.
Vid det tillfället gjordes inredning mm av mamma Monica omkring år 1974.
Skåpet och en del inre väggar betsades. Några dockskåps-tapeter fanns
inte att få tag på då, så man fick använda vanliga tapeter och självhäftande
plast. Däremot kunde man lätt få tag på möbler och lampor.

Lil/jag har lagt ner åtskilligt med tid och pengar på att göra iordning
dockskåpet. Skåpet har kompletterats med 2 yttre dörrar och en innervägg.
Nya innerdörrar har också tillkommit. Arbetet påbörjades i början på januari
1999 och avslutades till Johannas 7-årsdag i slutet på april.

This house was build by Janets Grandfather Ingemar and decorated by her
mother Monica in the year of 1974.

The house was renovated and rebuildt by Lil in the year of 1999, Januari to
April. It was given to Johanna on her 7th birthday.

All the photos has been scanned from old photos so the
quality is not the best.

Janet is playing with her house in the

She looks very busy

Notice the staircase built by Monica

The new look of the renovated house

Lil is working hard to get the renovation of the house ready in time

Ready at last

The front

The house with open doors

A close look at the door and the window

Monica is checking the house



Lundby Furniture from the 1970´s

Furniture from Monicas and my

This old TV is still working

Some of these Lundby furniture are
from 1990´s,

Furniture from Monicas and my

A funny lamp is standing on the

Moving mess

Now it looks better

Janets furniture from her childhood

Furniture from the 1950´s

Johanna, her brother Marcus and there friends,
played a lot with this house

Home to Lilsdolls